I am so incredibly grateful for all of my clients. The messages that come through for them move through me before they touch my client. I am so grateful for this. I am deeply touched by all of those messages, and this day was no different. A young man that had passed came through to a friend I was sitting with. This is the message he offered to her;
More love, more love, more love. The only reason we come back into body and to the planet is to give more love. More love, more love, more love. When all else fails, more love. Lean towards Love, more love. No matter how scary you might think things are, more love. Scary doesn’t come from Love, scary comes from fear. Scary comes from not trusting. Scary comes from doubt. Nobody fears love. That does not exist.
His message is that if you are afraid, then you are not sitting in a state of love. Move to the state of Love. Feed it Love. Do not feed it doubt, do not feed it fear, feed it Love….regardless. Feed it Love and watch it grow. Feed it fear and watch it die. Can you relate?
Feed it Love. It does not make any sense to feed it anything else. It does not make any sense to feed it anything but Love. Nothing grows from fear. Nothing grows unless you feed it Love.
He sends everyone Love because it does not make any sense to send anything else.
He takes this moment to focus Love in your direction, to focus it in everyone’s direction, including his own.
Thanking me for the opportunity to be heard. Feeling like he is being heard today.
Keep focused on Love and how you feel because it is that feeling, that Love, that makes things grow. It is the ONLY thing that matters. And it doesn’t change if one is in body or not. Whether one is in body or not, Love never changes, it is always constant.
Lean into it, rely on it, and embrace it. He is grateful for the opportunity to be loved as well as to love.
If you are looking for a way to feel good about his death, be grateful for the opportunity to have loved.
Don’t wait to love. Don’t wait until it is reciprocated. Don’t wait until someone loves you. Don’t wait, just Love.
Fear gets in the way of Love. Fear does nothing. Fear completely gets in the way.
It is not about how you feel about other people; it’s about how you feel about yourself. That is what gets in the way, that’s what locks up the heart and messes things up. It’s about what you believe about yourself, not even what you believe about others. And that’s the funny part, what you believe about other people is only a reflection of what you believe about yourself, how you feel about yourself. Has nothing to do with other people. It’s not about how other people feel about you, it’s about how you feel about yourself. If you think others see you as weak or less-than, it’s really YOU thinking you are weak or less-than….they aren’t thinking it, you are. And, you can’t see anything clearly if you can’t see yourself clearly.
Here is the opportunity to realize it is not about how other people feel about you, it’s about how you feel about self….how you love self, or you don’t love self. If you don’t love yourself, you’re not going to grow. If you Love yourself, you grow. It’s like a flower….if you water it, it grows. If you don’t water it, it dies. And it’s Self watering, not someone else watering you. Nobody else is responsible for watering you! And you are not responsible for watering someone else.
If we are waiting for someone else to feed us love….i.e. validation, being heard, honoring, etc….that is an indicator that we are not Loving ourselves, that we are not feeding ourselves, that we are feeding ourselves fear. Even when we think we are not feeding ourselves fear, there are indicators that will remind us that it is indeed the case. Avoidance, ignoring, hiding, denial….is an indicator that you are feeding yourself fear. Waiting for someone else to Love you, to validate you, to honor you, to hear you, is a sign that you are not doing any of this for yourself. You are not Loving yourself.
You ARE worthy. You ARE enough. You ARE Love.
In Love and Gratitude,
One and All
The biggest lie we have been conditioned to believe is that we are separate. Separate from each other, the universe, all things including Source (God/Divine). We are conditioned to believe that in our separateness we are weak and have no power or authority. We are conditioned to believe that we must rely on someone else, an authority, in order to live a ‘good’ life. We are also conditioned to believe someone else’s idea of what that ‘good’ life is. We are conditioned to believe that in our separation we must be ‘right’ in order to succeed in life….to be the right color, the right sex, the right religion, the right caste, live in the right place, have the right education, make the right money, drive the right car, have the right friends…regardless of how internally it was off beat for us. One step outside of that ‘right’ box and we are damned.
There is no such thing as separation. We are never separate from Source, from each other or the world around us. We are a continuous flow of the Love/energy/Consciousness that creates all of This. We are equal to it’s Divinity, it’s strength, it’s joy, it’s Love. With every breath we take It flows through us, nurturing us, feeding us, expressing through the physical vessel we call self.
Even the physical vessel is connected and part of the All, which is why innately it knows exactly how to function all on its own. It knows how to breathe, how to birth, how to die even. It knows how to heal itself when the lower mind continually feeds it things that harm it…food and/or emotions.
Our bigness is conditioned out of us because it makes it easier for us to be manipulated and controlled. Our bigness scares the crap out of those who do the controlling. Our bigness scares the crap out of those how feel small and need to make you small in order for them to feel bigger.
Our bigness heals. Our bigness holds light that allows others to find the true light within themselves. Sometimes that isn’t easy…not on us, nor the other person. The truth is you are big, bigger than anything you could ever imagine. The truth is you are capable, capable of greatness beyond your dreams. The truth is that you have to release the belief of separation in order to realize your bigness….to realize your own Truth of all you truly are.
All you truly Are is right here. It is not something you need to figure out, or learn, or even find. All you truly Are lies waiting for you to release all that you are not.
The greatest Truth is that you Are, we all Are and when we begin to embody and express that Truth is when our world reflects it back to Us. When we begin to take responsibility for our own power and greatness, instead of allowing someone else to dictate that for us, is when fear dissolves, hatred turns to love and together we create a Loving, compassionate and beautiful world.
The greatest challenge is to embody your bigness…your Truth. We have been conditioned to stay small so that others can feel big. We are conditioned to believe that being to ‘big for our britches’ is a bad thing. We are conditioned to believe that our Truth, our bigness, is wrong, offbeat, not the norm…bad. We often are punished for our bigness. In staying small we hide from what can be horrible consequences. The Truth is, the more we courageously embody our own bigness, our own Truth, it gives the other the opportunity to begin to embody their own. Then there is no more need to manipulate, judge, hate, or control. Then, and only then, do we come together to expand and evolve in a Loving state together.
When you feel the need to make someone small, so you can be big, step back and ask yourself why you are feeling small yourself. Why do you need another to make you feel big? What is it that has been conditioned out of you that you need another to attain? There is nothing that you can get from another that you do not already have…you have just forgotten. Take the steps to remember and know your own Truth or bigness.
When you feel the need to be small, so another can be big, step back and ask yourself why you are feeling powerless and are afraid of your bigness. Remember that you shrinking does not serve yourself, or does it serve the other. By remaining small you do not evolve. By allowing the other to control through fear they do not evolve either. It is time for both to know your own Truth.
There is no such thing as separation. There is only One, and in that One is all.