Frequency Therapy works on the principle that all things—whether spiritual, emotional, physical, or mental—carry frequency. We are deeply entwined with the frequencies we resonate with and emit, and this directly effects our experiences.

Awareness of the relationship between frequency and human experience offers a profound framework for understanding life’s experiences. Self-awareness serves as the foundation for intentionally working with frequency, allowing individuals to take ownership of their energetic state and make deliberate choices to elevate their vibrational frequency. This offers an invitation to embrace change, grow through challenges, and remember the Truth of who we are.

Frequency work serves as a practical tool for navigating life's changes. Transition is not merely an event but a significant opportunity for transformation. It acts as a reminder that the events in life are cycles designed for our spiritual growth and evolution. By reflecting on our personal beliefs and the influences we invite into our lives, we are encouraged to take responsibility for our inner world.

Frequency work allows one to move through life’s transitions with grace and intention. It provides a compassionate pathway to transformation and serves as a powerful reminder of our fundamental nature and potential.

Frequency does influence our experience and has a profound impact on our emotional and physical well-being. Frequency therapy techniques encourage individuals to tune into and cultivate higher vibrational states for the purpose of personal growth, physical and emotional healing, and spiritual evolution.

 In summary, frequency plays a significant role in shaping our experiences. Frequency therapy is a whole person multi-leveled energetic approach – using the therapies that work best with the individual’s own personal needs to bring their system into a state of balance.By cultivating awareness of our emotional resonance and intentionally shifting our frequency, we can improve our emotional well-being and live a more harmonious, balanced life.

 Personally, by using frequency, I am able to access the non-physical realms and other dimensions. I use this ability to assist other Souls who are transitioning through the death process. This role of guiding souls has been my purpose during multiple lifetimes. Its purpose, then and now, is to help Souls navigate through a profound journey, which may feel like unfamiliar territory until they become at ease with the process.

 My Frequency work is two-fold: to assist individuals in their spiritual growth and Soul’s evolution and to facilitate a soul’s transition through the death process into the afterlife.

Frequency Sessions: 1 hour; fee $150