As a Frequency Master, I use this gift for my own spiritual growth and Soul’s evolution. The services I offer are a mix of the therapies and techniques I have mastered and honed. I am here at this time in service to others in their Soul’s Journey, known or not, and as such, I am here to use frequency to assist individuals to heal, grow and evolve…on their own terms.

Healer and Teacher:
Healer: Helping one to restore to good health – well-being, wholeness on all levels and resetting the energetic balance within body/mind/spirit.

Teacher: Teaching how to use frequency to achieve and maintain that balance and well-being. Healing is only a part of the process, maintaining the balance and wholeness is the other part.

Each technique is different just as each one of us is different. Together, we can find the technique/therapy that is in alignment with your journey and your needs.