Trish Withus Trish Withus

Sharing Experiences

We are all walking through this. We are all having solo journeys. Yet we are here experiencing This in our own way and on our own terms.

The Interconnectivity of All That Is.


While in morning meditation, my Higher Self and Guides suggested that I share a specific story of when I spontaneously experienced the Love of All That Is. I knew exactly what moment they were referring to. Ah yes, I thought, I remember. But why now? That was so long ago, or at least it seems like it now. But yet, it was an experience that made an big impact on my life and how I lived it from that point on. So yes, I guess I’m sharing today.

While camping with a friend in the San Rafael Swell in Utah, I decided to spend a day hiking by myself. The Swell is a profound place to begin with, but the red rock and beautiful scenery pulled me in easily. While hiking that day I found a rock formation that I was able to climb without any equipment and perched myself on top of it. The sun was shining and the scenery was stunning. I laid down on the ground, soaking up the sun, eyes closed and completely relaxed. My only intention was to enjoy the space. The quiet was perfection. Without knowing, I dropped into my Heart Center. All of a sudden, I was feeling a deep profound sense of Love. I realized I was experiencing the unconditional Love of All That Is. It was so utterly profound. I could feel the Love of Everything, Everywhere! I was not only feeling it, I was filled with It. It was undeniable. I could feel the connectivity of Everything…including myself. I’ve always know that we are all connected. There is no doubt for me. But, in this moment, I was experiencing it internally. I Knew it in that moment. It was so clear. I remained in that space and enjoyed the experience for quite a while. I remember thinking that I really didn’t want to move. At that point I was reminded that All Is Well….and even if I decided to never get up, to stay in that place for the duration of this life, All would still be Well.

It was beyond words. I did not wish to move from that place. Eventually, however, I did. As I stood to climb back down the rock formation, I noticed several strands of red ‘light’ emanating from my body to the Earth. These strands of light came from my arms, my legs, my torso, my head, and connected me to the planet. These strands of light, I was reminded, are how I am connected to the planet and that I could never ‘fall off’.

I’ve shared this experience a few times and usually it was met with disbelief. I have felt the sting of isolation many times in my life simply from sharing my spiritual experiences. I have had numerous spiritual experiences in this lifetime and each have formed my Foundation and have given me a way to move deeper into myself to Know my own Truth. I no longer care how another feels about my experiences, whether I am ‘believed’ or not. It was often a lonely ride when I was younger. I landed on this planet, in this vessel, with the ability to see multiple dimensions simultaneously. I was also gifted with the Knowingness that there would be a Shift coming, and that it would occur during my lifetime. I was born in the early 60’s and the idea of a ‘shift’ on the planet was not widely known or even cared about. My ride was lonely and my journey was solo. But once in a while I came across unique individuals who felt safe enough to share their own profound experiences…those stories that often pushed them into isolation as well. Yet, here we are, at the most profound moment of our lifetime. We sit on the edge of that Shift, more profoundly than even I could have realized as a kid. We are All Connected. There is no such thing as Separation. We are not Alone.

We are all walking through this. We are all having solo journeys. Yet we are here experiencing This in our own way and on our own terms.

I know I’m not the only Being on this planet that is experiencing the Interconnectivity of All That Is, spontaneously or consciously…I would love to hear your story. Please feel free to share it here, or if you like, you can email me directly at And, if anyone so desires, I am happy to share even more.

Love to All
All is Love
May all Beings be Happy
May all Beings be Free

In Love and Gratitude,

p.s. English is my second language, Non-Verbal Communication is my first.

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Trish Withus Trish Withus

Lean In

Awareness of the relationship between frequency and human experience offers a profound framework for understanding life’s experiences.

Awareness of the relationship between frequency and human experience offers a profound framework for understanding life’s experiences.


By leaning into something, one puts energy into it. By thinking about something, one puts energy into it. By believing in something, one puts energy into it. (Even when one is not consciously aware that they are thinking about it.) By putting energy into ‘something’, one creates it.

One is always experiencing frequency, and as such, the process of navigating what the frequency creates. Every bit of your life is available to use as a mirror of your belief system. Changing, outwardly, what one is creating will not make a difference. Changing, internally, how one believes oneself to be makes all the difference. Therein lies the key. That is our greatest tool, our greatest gift to ourselves. How you believe yourself to be is your greatest tool to sovereignty. Paying attention to your own belief system will show you exactly what frequency set you are using as you create.

I read a passage once that said, “Love and Death are the two greatest gifts that humans fail to open.” I think there is one more gift…Frequency. Understanding our relationship with frequency and how we create with it is one of the greatest gifts humans can open for themselves.

Love to All
All is Love

In Love and Gratitude,

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Trish Withus Trish Withus

Relationship with Creation

The most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself.

Everything, all other relationships, is a reflection of the one we have with Self. And, all things are in relationship to all things.

The most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself.  


Everything, all other relationships, is a reflection of the one we have with Self. And, all things are in relationship to all things.

All things can only exist through relationship to all things. No thing exists separately – ever. One is in relation not only to other physical things, but situations also – death/dying, birth, life/living, loving, giving, receiving, etc.

Your experience in life is a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself and how you consciously create through that relationship. We all consciously (or unconsciously) create through that relationship.

Picture this…as two keys are played, let us say on a piano for instance, the 3rd note that is created from that is the expression of the two keys being in relation to each other. That is the basic foundation for the understanding. So, all things are frequency, and all things are constantly in relation to each other. When two frequencies come into relation with each other, there will always be a third that is expressed. Sometimes we can sense that created expression, sometimes we can’t. Actually, it can always be sensed, if we are paying attention…if we are aware.

As humans, we have the ability to change our frequency, through emotion, and with intention. This enables one to create consciously an expression when in relation to other frequencies. Higher frequencies align with feelings of Love, Joy, Compassion, Trust, etc. Lower frequencies align with feelings of anger, unworthy, fear, not enough, etc. The frequency we are holding when we come into relation with something or someone else, will determine the 3rd frequency, or expression, of that relationship. That expression is then our experience…whether we are happy with it or not, whether we are conscious of it or not. In essence, the frequency one brings to the table will always determine the outcome or the experience. The experience is in direct connection to your frequency.

Your frequency, whichever one you are holding, is based on your relationship with yourself. How are you feeling about who you are or the situation you are in? You bring that frequency to the table or to the relationship. It can be no other way.

However, when one is aware of how this works, one can consciously raise (or lower) their frequency in order to create a specific outcome. This is intention. The key is being able to hold a specific frequency. Most of the time we are completely unaware that our mood or emotion is a frequency that is creating. It goes unnoticed and unchanged.

As one holds a higher frequency or awareness of Self, that higher frequency creates a different expression or experience. This is not just something that happens in regards to relationship with other people. It happens in regards to all things. Your DNA for example. The frequency (the idea of oneself) one holds is absolutely in relationship to one’s DNA, constantly! That frequency will either create a ‘healthy’ expression of the DNA, or something other than that. We are in relationship with all things, all the time! Our cells, our ideas, nature, situations, people….all things!

To change frequency, one must first be aware of the one they are holding. It can be difficult to consciously hold a specific frequency. It takes practice. One consciously creates through the relations of specific relationships. Being aware of frequency as well as the things that we are relating with, one can easily create a modified expression or experience. Again, be it with your DNA, your cells, your partner, family, nature, situations, etc.  It is definitely possible to master the art of consciously holding specific frequencies. Here’s the trick…you can’t fake frequency. Meaning if you are holding a lower frequency of yourself but pretending to hold a higher one…you are only fooling yourself.

Consciously creating through intention when relating is how we create. Everything is a reflection of our relationship with Self and All That Is. This certainly reminds us that we are absolutely responsible for our own experience. Blame goes out the window here. We are the only One responsible for our creations.

In Love and Gratitude,

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Trish Withus Trish Withus

Why The Why

Ones place in the world is already secure.
One need not try to create it, only move towards it as the Unfolding occurs.

Everything is perfect exactly where and how it is, even when one cannot see why. We are programmed to find the “why” so that we can make a plan to move towards it (or away from it).

Ones place in the world is already secure.
One need not try to create it, only move towards it as the Unfolding occurs.


Everything is perfect exactly where and how it is, even when one cannot see why. We are programmed to find the “why” so that we can make a plan to move towards it (or away from it). If one cannot see the why, and therefore does not have a plan moving them towards it successfully, well then….one often sees themselves as a failure.

Being programmed to look externally for Source sets the stage for a lifetime of doubts, mistrust and dependence on external validations and worth. When one looks internally, and recognizes oneself in Source, it sets the stage for a lifetime of clarity, self-worth and joy. Leaning into oneself and following the heart moves one easily towards the Unfolding.

In Love and Gratitude,

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Trish Withus Trish Withus


All is One.
All is perfect.

Life…all of it….is being played out on so many levels, so many dimensions, so many frequencies, so many roles…all at one time, and they are all connected, all the One.

All is One.
All is perfect.

Life…all of it….is being played out on so many levels, so many dimensions, so many frequencies, so many roles…all at one time, and they are all connected, all the One.

There are so many perspectives to choose from. Each perspective creating a different experience. One experience never being more important than another. Each carrying its own opportunities for Conscious evolution and growth. And each one, each experience, each life, is absolutely perfect…regardless of which perspective one chooses.

It is only the mind’s way that assumes a better or worse, more or less important, pass or fail scenario.

All is One. All is perfect.

In Love and Gratitude,


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Trish Withus Trish Withus

Dignity Honor Caring

Every day we need to walk with dignity, honor and caring.
Not just when we want to, not just when we think it is convenient,
but all breaths, all moments, with all things, including self.


Everything that exists is Spirit, is Divine. Everything, everyone. Our physical forms may be different looking, but we are all the One, Divine, within.

Every day we need to walk with dignity, honor and caring.
Not just when we want to, not just when we think it is convenient,
but all breaths, all moments, with all things, including self.


Everything that exists is Spirit, is Divine. Everything, everyone. Our physical forms may be different looking, but we are all the One, Divine, within. Physical form is not who we are, it does not define Us. It is the physical form which Spirit moves through in order to express in the physical. Every day we need to walk with dignity, with honor, and with caring not only for ourselves, but for all.

Are we afraid to let go of the idea that ‘things’ define us? Are we afraid to move to a deeper knowing of Self as Divine? If so, it is time to ask ourselves why.

Dignity. Honor. Caring. For self….and all things. It Is who you Are. Let it start now.

In Love and Gratitude,

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Trish Withus Trish Withus

Open Heart

An open heart changes everything.
A closed heart protects you from nothing.


An open heart literally changes everything. The Unfolding flows wider and easier. It allows for all possibilities, potentials, Love, growth, expansion, evolution. It is the equivalent to an open door to higher frequencies, other dimensions, and an existence beyond the broken program.

An open heart changes everything.
A closed heart protects you from nothing.


An open heart literally changes everything. The Unfolding flows wider and easier. It allows for all possibilities, potentials, Love, growth, expansion, evolution. It is the equivalent to an open door to higher frequencies, other dimensions, and an existence beyond the broken program.

A closed heart protects you from nothing. It blocks and limits the flow of Love, and keeps one in a state of fear. It feeds ones fear…depression, worry, defeat, isolation, aloneness, separation. It isolates one not only from others, but especially from Self. It limits everything.

Open heart feeds Unity, compassion, co-operation, understanding, Truth, stability, grounding, care, trust, fun, support, fulfillment…I could write for days!

Open your heart and the rest will take care of Itself.

In Love and Gratitude,

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Trish Withus Trish Withus

So Much More...

You are so much more than you think you are.
Who you are has no time, has no space.

No space, no time...aka, not your physical body. We are not our bodies, we are not the roles we play. We are not our personalities, nor our jobs or things we do. We Are the Divine Breath that created all of this, continues to create all of this, and will always Be.

You are so much more than you think you are.
Who you are has no time, has no space.

No space, no time...aka, not your physical body. We are not our bodies, we are not the roles we play. We are not our personalities, nor our jobs or things we do. We Are the Divine Breath that created all of this, continues to create all of this, and will always Be. We cannot die, we cannot be born....we are so much more than we think we are. We exist outside of our physical bodies, for they are a vessel, a very sacred vessel, that We express through. The body is not who we are, it is the mode in which we choose to express. Take a moment, or 2 or 5, to take a breath and be still, notice what Is within, and beyond time and space. Who Are you….really?

In Love and Gratitude,

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