Trish Withus Trish Withus

Open Heart

An open heart literally changes everything. The Unfolding flows wider and easier. It allows for all possibilities, potentials, Love, growth, expansion, evolution. It is the equivalent to an open door to higher frequencies, other dimensions, and an existence beyond the broken program.

An open heart changes everything.
A closed heart protects you from nothing.


An open heart literally changes everything. The Unfolding flows wider and easier. It allows for all possibilities, potentials, Love, growth, expansion, evolution. It is the equivalent to an open door to higher frequencies, other dimensions, and an existence beyond the broken program.

A closed heart protects you from nothing. It blocks and limits the flow of Love, and keeps one in a state of fear. It feeds ones fear…depression, worry, defeat, isolation, aloneness, separation. It isolates one not only from others, but especially from Self. It limits everything.

Open heart feeds Unity, compassion, co-operation, understanding, Truth, stability, grounding, care, trust, fun, support, fulfillment…I could write for days!

Open your heart and the rest will take care of Itself.
In Love and Gratitude,

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