Trish Withus Trish Withus

Dignity Honor Caring

Every day we need to walk with dignity, honor and caring.
Not just when we want to, not just when we think it is convenient,
but all breaths, all moments, with all things, including self.


Everything that exists is Spirit, is Divine. Everything, everyone. Our physical forms may be different looking, but we are all the One, Divine, within. Physical form is not who we are, it does not define Us. It is the physical form which Spirit moves through in order to express in the physical. Every day we need to walk with dignity, with honor, and with caring not only for ourselves, but for all.

Are we afraid to let go of the idea that ‘things’ define us? Are we afraid to move to a deeper knowing of Self as Divine? If so, it is time to ask ourselves why.

Dignity. Honor. Caring. For self….and all things. It Is who you Are. Let it start now.

In Love and Gratitude,

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Trish Withus Trish Withus

So Much More...

You are so much more than you think you are.
Who you are has no time, has no space.

No space, no time...aka, not your physical body. We are not our bodies, we are not the roles we play. We are not our personalities, nor our jobs or things we do. We Are the Divine Breath that created all of this, continues to create all of this, and will always Be. We cannot die, we cannot be born....we are so much more than we think we are. We exist outside of our physical bodies, for they are a vessel, a very sacred vessel, that We express through. The body is not who we are, it is the mode in which we choose to express. Take a moment, or 2 or 5, to take a breath and be still, notice what Is within, and beyond time and space. Who Are you….really?
In Love and Gratitude,

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