Trish Withus Trish Withus

Why The Why

Ones place in the world is already secure.
One need not try to create it, only move towards it as the Unfolding occurs.

Everything is perfect exactly where and how it is, even when one cannot see why. We are programmed to find the “why” so that we can make a plan to move towards it (or away from it).

Ones place in the world is already secure.
One need not try to create it, only move towards it as the Unfolding occurs.


Everything is perfect exactly where and how it is, even when one cannot see why. We are programmed to find the “why” so that we can make a plan to move towards it (or away from it). If one cannot see the why, and therefore does not have a plan moving them towards it successfully, well then….one often sees themselves as a failure.

Being programmed to look externally for Source sets the stage for a lifetime of doubts, mistrust and dependence on external validations and worth. When one looks internally, and recognizes oneself in Source, it sets the stage for a lifetime of clarity, self-worth and joy. Leaning into oneself and following the heart moves one easily towards the Unfolding.

In Love and Gratitude,

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Trish Withus Trish Withus


All is One.
All is perfect.

Life…all of it….is being played out on so many levels, so many dimensions, so many frequencies, so many roles…all at one time, and they are all connected, all the One.

All is One.
All is perfect.

Life…all of it….is being played out on so many levels, so many dimensions, so many frequencies, so many roles…all at one time, and they are all connected, all the One.

There are so many perspectives to choose from. Each perspective creating a different experience. One experience never being more important than another. Each carrying its own opportunities for Conscious evolution and growth. And each one, each experience, each life, is absolutely perfect…regardless of which perspective one chooses.

It is only the mind’s way that assumes a better or worse, more or less important, pass or fail scenario.

All is One. All is perfect.

In Love and Gratitude,


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