Trish Withus Trish Withus

Lean In

Awareness of the relationship between frequency and human experience offers a profound framework for understanding life’s experiences.

Awareness of the relationship between frequency and human experience offers a profound framework for understanding life’s experiences.


By leaning into something, one puts energy into it. By thinking about something, one puts energy into it. By believing in something, one puts energy into it. (Even when one is not consciously aware that they are thinking about it.) By putting energy into ‘something’, one creates it.

One is always experiencing frequency, and as such, the process of navigating what the frequency creates. Every bit of your life is available to use as a mirror of your belief system. Changing, outwardly, what one is creating will not make a difference. Changing, internally, how one believes oneself to be makes all the difference. Therein lies the key. That is our greatest tool, our greatest gift to ourselves. How you believe yourself to be is your greatest tool to sovereignty. Paying attention to your own belief system will show you exactly what frequency set you are using as you create.

I read a passage once that said, “Love and Death are the two greatest gifts that humans fail to open.” I think there is one more gift…Frequency. Understanding our relationship with frequency and how we create with it is one of the greatest gifts humans can open for themselves.

Love to All
All is Love

In Love and Gratitude,

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Trish Withus Trish Withus


All is One.
All is perfect.

Life…all of it….is being played out on so many levels, so many dimensions, so many frequencies, so many roles…all at one time, and they are all connected, all the One.

All is One.
All is perfect.

Life…all of it….is being played out on so many levels, so many dimensions, so many frequencies, so many roles…all at one time, and they are all connected, all the One.

There are so many perspectives to choose from. Each perspective creating a different experience. One experience never being more important than another. Each carrying its own opportunities for Conscious evolution and growth. And each one, each experience, each life, is absolutely perfect…regardless of which perspective one chooses.

It is only the mind’s way that assumes a better or worse, more or less important, pass or fail scenario.

All is One. All is perfect.

In Love and Gratitude,


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Trish Withus Trish Withus

So Much More...

You are so much more than you think you are.
Who you are has no time, has no space.

No space, no time...aka, not your physical body. We are not our bodies, we are not the roles we play. We are not our personalities, nor our jobs or things we do. We Are the Divine Breath that created all of this, continues to create all of this, and will always Be.

You are so much more than you think you are.
Who you are has no time, has no space.

No space, no time...aka, not your physical body. We are not our bodies, we are not the roles we play. We are not our personalities, nor our jobs or things we do. We Are the Divine Breath that created all of this, continues to create all of this, and will always Be. We cannot die, we cannot be born....we are so much more than we think we are. We exist outside of our physical bodies, for they are a vessel, a very sacred vessel, that We express through. The body is not who we are, it is the mode in which we choose to express. Take a moment, or 2 or 5, to take a breath and be still, notice what Is within, and beyond time and space. Who Are you….really?

In Love and Gratitude,

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